


Squarespace website revamp for non-profit mental health organization that help provide access to social benefits and resources through their community engagement and network of local guides.

Website Design
Custom Elements
Custom Code
Branding Update
First Hand Cares Non Profit Website Design Project

Implementing a Custom Google Map with Multiple Coordinates and branded pin icons

To enhance the user experience we integrated a custom Google Map with multiple coordinates and custom branded pin icons, providing clear and interactive location information for site visitors.

Icon designs

Custom branded icons created a cohesive and unique visual presence on the website, making it more engaging, accessible, and memorable for users. Utilizing custom icons is a strategic move that significantly enhances the overall website design and user experience.

Graphic elements

Implementing graphics that align with the brand’s identity not only helps improves aesthetics but also enhances user experience and brand perception.

Custom built location tabs

One of the biggest challenges for the client was to figuring out a way to showcase all their team members across their various cities and states. To solve this issue we broke down the page into different sections for each state where we added tabs for all the available cities. Squarespace does not natively offer a custom tabs element so we had to custom built this feature into Squarespace. This custom element enables seamless navigation across different cities available for each state.

Project Feedback
"Thank you for going above and beyond and really embracing this project. It's such a meaningful initiative and I think you've done a lovely job bringing warmth and humanity to their site."


Creative Account Manager